We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!
A brief heads up here – the page load for the official Prince website is a living nightmare for human eyes, so if you are photosensitive, please heed the flashing images warning above if you have not done so already.
Opinion on Prince is always going to be divided into two camps; those who are enamoured by the musical side and those who are reacting strongly, usually justifiably, to the personal side. To call Prince unafraid of public perception is an understatement in the range of calling Mount Everest a tripping hazard, however. It’s strange to think, then, that someone could have as broadly a commented on, parodied and emphasised personal life and that still not take away from just how insane a musician Prince was. His seemingly absolute mastery of any instrument you put in front of him was nothing short of otherworldly and, for a long time, he played every instrument on his records better than about 99% of people could hope to.
The bane of record companies, The US Department of State Birth Certificate office and Youtube alike, Prince was never not fired up about something or other and most of the time that passion was channelled into both his music and his persona. It showed, too – try to find a Best Song Top 100 without him making an appearance, or any Top Instrument Player lists where he doesn’t turn up in two or three entries. The persona could not be ignored, either. His stage performances gave off the same energy as an electrocuted ghost with no lack of that aforementioned otherworldly talent, and odd were just as good he could turn up at your house and sleep with both your mum and your dad.
Back to the music! Mashing the occasional strange moans, a belt of synth and with an opening riff that just blows the lid off of you when you hear it for the first time – Prince himself couldn’t replicate it every single time, and he was fuckin’ Prince – it’s clear you’re onto a winner with this one. When Doves Cry is the perfect rock/pop mix that is going to smash through the door of mid-Friday mediocrity and wiggle seductively until you get to leave. Whether you expedite that leaving process with your own seductive wiggles we leave entirely up to you and your tolerance for emergency Monday morning meetings.
If you like what you hear, please consider purchasing via Bandcamp if the option is available as this is usually the best way to support the artist.
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