We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!
While ringing in the New Year is generally seen as a time to let everything hang out in carefree abandon, knowing that our ironclad and immaculately kept resolutions will absolve us of the sin of that stretch between 2023 and 2024, there’s always time for some reflection, too. Be that the quiet sort on a roundabout at two in the morning or otherwise.
Which not usually pegged for its voracious, relentless destruction of everything in its path, the indie variety has great big footprints all over the reflective music sphere. The Walkmen, of New York City, New York, do the lovely, looking to the future sound just as well as they do madcap post-punk, so there’s plenty of strings to their bow. It’s also the perfect sort of thing if you’re looking for something a little more introspective for your New Year ringing in. And there are plenty of slow moments to give you time to drink literal buckets of alcohol, too! Everybody wins. Well, maybe your local bucket seller/carpet retailer wins, anyway.
So, if you’re looking for a little piece of something a little less hectic, we proudly present the final Rock Song of the Week pick for 2023; “In The New Year”. It’s got some slower burn, thinking man moods but there’s still plenty of rock vibes for all you diehards. And now that’s seen to, all that’s left to say is this; from all of us to all of you, whether you ring in the New Year now or in a little while, make it a great one and a safe one. The world might seem like it’s constantly on fire and all the crazies are loose, but there’s one refuge we all share and that’s pumping out the latest and greatest rock, metal and everything in between. Our resolution? That we will see you bright and early in 2024 for more of all the songs you love to love, or at least love to give yourself whiplash to. At this point, my chiropractor can’t tell the difference.
If you like what you hear, please consider purchasing via Bandcamp if the option is available as this is usually the best way to support the artist.
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