Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

28 Apr 2023

Electric Callboy - We Got The Moves

appears on Tekkno (2022)

Whoever said that metalcore, electronica and comedy couldn’t be friends? That’s the sort of negative attitude that Electric Callboy frown upon, from their own extremely specific position on a very niche Venn diagram of genres. Music is a hotbed for experimentation and embodying your passion, after all – just ask Hevisaurus if they thought dressing up as dinosaurs would be detrimental to having a good time (it didn’t, they kick ass).

Still, if you can do it, then do it right and Electric Callboy have taken that spirit to heart. Purveyors of seemingly endless bangers, the German funsters have cemented their position as the premium option when it comes to the specific blend of distorted guitars and laptops. It can take a few listens for some to really get into the groove of it but once it has its hooks in you, it ain’t letting go until what would presumably be your very funky deathbed. An additional fun fact, Electric Callboy were also turned down for Eurovision in 2021. This might not be a fun fact for them specifically, but it goes to show that the people at Eurovision might still be figuring out what constitutes a good time.

So, without further adieu (I may have failed German in school), we leave you with the gift of a thumping bit of dancefloor magic in the shape of We Got The Moves. Sort yourself out with a bowl cut in the office kitchen, then ride this earworm until punching out time. Your spirit will thank you for it if the staff who have to clean up all that hair lying around don’t.

The Honourable Mention - What's that? A second video? What is this madness?

- Yep, Cooper checking in here. I couldn't resist sneaking into the office after hours and tacking this little gem on as well. The team will probably lock me in the supply closet again for this, but it's worth it! So look at that, a bonus pick - don't say we're not generous!

Posted by Eddie "electric kiss" Hull

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