Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

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26 Mar 2021

Crazy Lixx - Heroes are Forever

appears on Loud Minority (2007)

Seems at the moment we're on the tail end of the recent wave of 80s nostalgia, as the world moves on to remaking, repackaging and generally trying to squeeze every last little drop of money out of the less colourful 90s. But it's hard to argue that the neon lit streets of the decade that brought us some of the most memorable fashion choices in recent history didn't have a good soundtrack. Movies in particular, if it wasn't electro pop or some kind of droney synth tune, it was inevitably some beautiful fast paced guitar solo laden filth rocking your eardrums, brought to you by one of the many groups of androgynous young men who were more hair and make up than anything else.

Point is it's a distinct sound, and for a while it was everywhere until it kind of died out when the 90s rolled in, everyone got a bit moodier and grunge kicked the guitar solos out of the charts. That legacy however carried on, and has eventually evolved into what's generally known as Sleaze Rock & Metal and as usual, it's the Swedes who seem to have taken that particular torch and run with it (how can so much good music come from one country?)

Crazy Lixx have been around for a while now, forming in Malmö, Sweden in 2002 and they've tasked themselves carrying on that Glam sound of the 80s. And wow, they've succeeded. Popping one of their albums onto your record player (cuing it up on Spotify), you'd be forgiven for thinking you were back there.

It was a hard job to pick a song from their (as of writing) 6 album discography as they're all good, but after much debate on the subject, we've decided to go with Heroes are Forever taken from their debut album Loud Minority. Rock on!

Posted by Cooper "Is Tryin' to Make Ends Meet" Crawley

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