Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

25 Nov 2022

Bleed From Within - The End of All We Know

appears on Fracture (2020)

Modern metal tends to get a bad rap. Which is slightly different to rap-metal, which deserves all the jibes it gets for the most part. No, I mean the really recent stuff – bands formed in the last few years who have been tinkering and experimenting with the established formulas to create something bold and new, where it is inevitably given the double bird by a select group of stuck-in-their-ways metalheads (the vocal minority, mind). Tale as old as time, right?

Well, get your ears around our featured band this week and tell me they don’t feature not only a whole metric boatload of interesting new ideas and implementations, but that it isn’t paired with a rich streak of that core metal sensibility that will have even the most cynical of metalheads nodding along in that violent, headbanging way we show approval for things.

Bleed From Within are many things. They’re deathcore, metalcore, Scottish – the list goes on. Absolutely brimming with distortion and rage, the five-piece haven’t been stomping around on the stages of the world for all that long by comparison to some bands, but they’ve made the most of the time they have been. Their newest album, Shrine has just been released to some acclaim in the scene, but we’re going back just a touch further than that to 2020s effort Fracture to get our spine-crushing fix for Rock Song of the Week this time around in The End of All We Know, four-ish minutes of utterly bruising metal that never strays too far from its roots, but does plenty to put it in that oft-unfairly derided camp of “modern metal”. It’s huge and it kicks more ass than wiping with a combat boot, and that’s why it’s getting pride of place on the shiny mantel for our pick this week. I guarantee you won’t be able to stay in your seat while this one is playing!

Posted by Eddie "bled from without one time, ouch" Hull

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