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I first heard Canadian rock duo The Pack a.d. in an episode of Letterkenny, and, to those who haven’t heard of them, I’d say the same thing I’d say to someone who hasn’t heard of Letterkenny, “do yourself a favor and check them out.”
The Pack a.d. consists of only two members, Becky Black on guitar and vocals, and Maya Miller on drums, but they pump out way more sound than any two people have any right to do. The first track of theirs I heard, Everyone Looks Like Everyone, is an absolute jam, and you should definitely give it a listen, but, for this week, I thought I’d pick something from one of their more recent albums. So What, off their 2016 album Positive Thinking, gives you a decent idea of what to expect from their sound, deceptively measured tempos, pseudo-plodding sound that suddenly erupts into melodious chaos, and powerful, raw, and oddly trippy vocals.
Their songs envelop you with sound; you get wrapped up in a warm, kinda poky, rhythmic blanket of rock. Like, I’m listening to them while I write this, and I’ve never heard this particular song, and it’s got me both foot-tapping and head banging. I legitimately don’t know how Becky coaxes this kind of sound from her guitar, while belting out these haunting vocals, like a banshee crossed with a siren, you can’t help but listen, and the words linger in your brain. A two-piece can’t have one piece that falls flat, and the drums certainly don’t; Maya blasts the drums just so, and it’s a delightful cross of simple beats and spectacular finesse, and your head starts bouncing before you realize you’re doing it. The Pack a.d. are more fun than any two-piece should be, thanks, Letterkenny!
If you like what you hear, please consider purchasing via Bandcamp if the option is available as this is usually the best way to support the artist.
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