Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

1 Mar 2024

Starbenders - The Game

appears on Take Back The Night (2023)

There’s nothing that tickles the nostalgia part of our brains quite like new music that sounds like old music, is there? Part of it is a subtle reassurance that the classics will never die, I think. That we will always have our rock staples, tweaked and perfected so that every generation has a chance to put their own spin on it. The other part is definitely some sort of comfy old slipper syndrome, where having the chance to yell at the new generation to get off our lawn is always available to us. Limp Bizkit have been a band longer than people who are allowed to vote have been alive, by the way, just in case you needed your Friday ruining. 

Still, done right, the reworkings of classic sounds are always a good time and Starbenders have that 80s and 90s AOR era vibe locked down. The four piece from Atlanta, Georgia know exactly how to evoke that timeless part of rock history. Hell, the opening stirrings of our Rock Song of the Week pick this time around, The Game, induces such strong Bon Jovi recollection that you might temporarily forget what year it actually is. Or, at the very least, think you’ve accidentally left any classic rock radio station playing for more than thirty seconds. Maybe we are paying the price for nostalgia in more ways than we think.

Posted by Eddie "never out of fashion" Hull

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