Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

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30 Aug 2024

Future Palace - Dead Inside

appears on Run (2022)

While the many tendrils of post-hardcore are easy to trace to their roots, where they reach is another thing entirely. The broad scope of creativity on offer within the genre that spreads out from the “be angry and fast” ethos of their inspiration means that, often, no two bands are the same. In that sense it can be hard to categorise any particular band – thankfully, there’s a much easier job in finding good ones.  

Enter Future Palace. Born in Berlin in 2018, the German rockers are relative newcomers to the scene, with two albums under their belt and one more on the way. However, what’s super impressive about their sound is the dynamism they’ve managed to create with only three members – a bruising post-hardcore base coated liberally with electronica that perks up your ears before flattening them against the side of your head. It’s experimental and playful, without losing a single step of that hardcore sound that defines them. Frankly, it’s brilliant, if I as the author do say so myself. 

Less back-patting, more headbanging! Crisp, stylish, and a wrecking ball at its heart, Dead Inside is a certified Rock Song of the Week auto-pick and is sure to stimulate some movement in the week-weary body of anyone listening in. It’s the sort of pick-me-up that you’ll need picking up from afterwards, which in our minds makes it the very best of both worlds. 

Posted by Eddie "needs an Ibuprofen to windmill" Hull

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