Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

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13 Nov 2020

Stabbing Westward - Waking Up Beside You

appears on Darkest Days (1998)

For those of us old and irrelevant enough to remember the 90's, for a while there was quite a moody industrial rock scene which for a few brief years captured the hearts and minds of angsty teenagers and disillusioned adults alike. Largely spearheaded by Nine Inch Nails with their '94 album The Downward Spiral, wallowing in the ocean of self pity alongside them were the slightly less known but equally melancholy Stabbing Westward.

In 1998 they released what is probably one of the best break up albums ever, Darkest Days and this week we present to you, dear readers, the closing track off that album Waking Up Beside You. Remember, next time a lovely lady, guy, body pillow or farmyard animal breaks your heart, give this album a listen.

Posted by Cooper "Over the Hills and Far Away" Crawley

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