Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

25 Aug 2023

Radiohead - Karma Police

appears on OK Computer (1997)

Alright, look, I can already tell this one is going to be contentious. At the best of times Radiohead have never been strangers to either side of the Marmite Divide – it seems like there really is no middle ground between love and hate when it comes to the more outspoken public opinion of the band. But sometimes we need a little Marmite in our lives - though the jury is still out on whether Thom Yorke is as good for your B12 deficiency.

Like a mad scientist’s novelty calendar, “Experimental” is always the Word of the Day with Radiohead and to no small effect. Whichever side of the line you fall on, it’s hard to deny the impact that they have had on the musical landscape since the lads from Oxfordshire, England moodily shuffled onto the scene in the mid-80s. Shuffle seems like the key word there, actually. Be it more conventional rock, swerving all over some sort of electronic moodboard or just seemingly flat out pissing about with their style and instruments at times, Radiohead are all over the map like a cartographer in heat. Avant-garde seems a tame term to use.

Still, it makes for head-turning stuff for one reason or another, don’t it? And while you might normally expect us to pick a cheerier tune to enchance your Friday feeling – at times Karma Police feels like it’s one note away from making whatever device you’re listening to it on cry – we pride ourselves here at Rock Song of the Week on showcasing the best, most interesting and downright definitive moments of rock n’roll history. We also love being cheeky little gremlins who love to sow a little chaos, so pull the pin on this musical grenade and lob it into your work breakroom this fine Friday. You’ll find out who your friends are real quick and, hint hint, it won’t be middle management.

Posted by Eddie "like a dead geranium" Hull

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