Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

19 Jun 2020

Queensryche - I Don't Believe in Love

appears on Operation Mindcrime (1988)

If we're posting a Queensrÿche song then it has to come from their legendary 1988 album Operation Mindcrime. The problem is, choosing a single track from that particular album is a damn near impossible task. A concept album, and arguably one of the best ever made, it's definitely Queensrÿche at the top of their game. But pick we must (it is one song and nothing more after all!) so here's the third single off the album - I Don't Believe In Love.

Posted by Stanley "Whiskers McGinty" Rochester

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