Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

Polyphia - G.O.A.T

appears on New Levels New Devils (2018)

What’s this? An instrumental track? In my Rock Song of the Week? We hear the shouts of heresy, and the wails in the streets; but do actions not speak plenty loud enough? Sometimes words are just a frippery that gets in the way of being able to efficiently do things, like explain why I was driving so fast in that low-speed zone. It’s much easier to show you, Officer, watch this!

We’re sparing no expense in terms of instrumentalists, by the way. Starting out in Plano, Texas in 2010, Polyphia jumped on a viral surge from basically minute one and have never looked back or down. Their tight, eclectic blend of rock and electronic is, frankly, jaw-dropping at times, making them a perfect fit to grace the hallowed halls of our Friday picks. Polyphia take mortal elements and turn them into the sort of auditory spun gold that would make Sleeping Beauty wonder whether it was worth an eternal sleep to get her hands on it. 

So while this might not be much of a tune to dance to, it’s not going to take long to blow your mind. It still needs to be played just as loud as ever, too – we’re only skimping on words, not the important things. The world would be a whole lot cooler if we could communicate via guitar solo. 

Posted by Eddie "gorged of all time" Hull

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