Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

9 Oct 2020

Iggy Pop - Lust for Life

appears on Lust for Life (1977)

Following on from last week's bit of classic rock, we've decided to offset the recent run of modern songs with another classic. Not that there's any particular selection process we have, but you know, got to keep up the illusion that there's some technical mastery at work here behind the scenes!

The infamous Iggy Pop is the subject of this week's selection. He looks a bit like a hyperactive testicle in a wig these days, but Iggy is somehow (as of writing) still rocking it and is a testament to the fact that living and rocking hard won't necessarily kill you. In fact, he's pretty much the yardstick by which I live my life by! Infamous for his on stage antics, which included rolling in broken glass, waving his willy at the crowd and pretty much inventing stage diving, he's got more well known tracks than we have the time to cover. During his career he's also acted (probably the only redeeming quality of The Crow 2: City of Angels) and more recently appeared in a string of commercials with a puppet which looked decidedly more like the real Iggy Pop than he does (look up Swiftcover adverts on that there YouTube if you're interested).

So here's Lust for Life, taken from his 1977 album of the same name. You might also remember this one had a bit of a resurgence in the 90's after it was featured prominently in the film Trainspotting.

Posted by Stanley "Suspiciously Green" Rochester

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