We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!
Ooh, I love a bit of power metal, I do. I can’t help it – as soon as someone starts swinging a keytar around, or singing about elves and wizards with the passion and heat of a raging fire at a menopausal women’s samba class, I just can’t help but get fully into it. The power metal, that is, not the samba class.
Hailing from Stockholm, Sweden and with a name that slightly unfortunately makes them sound like a less than reputable strip club chain, Dynazty know exactly which buttons to press to get that samba going for me. When they’re not pumping out melodic verses about partying hard and loving the 80s harder, they’re positing questions about the human condition and the meaning of everything, with a full and apparent disregard for the idea of tonal whiplash. This duality might sound like it would work about as well as a brick in a blender, but they’ve got the right combination of technical skill and flowing long hair between the five of them to pull it off spectacularly and do so regularly over the six album back-catalogue they’ve accrued so far.
Enter our Rock Song of the Week, then, and it’s the perfect accompaniment to that Friday buzz, when you know there’s a whole weekend of headbanging your flowing long hair ahead of you. We’ve plumped for Advent, one of the newest singles from the as yet unreleased Final Advent album which comes out later this year. It’s a soaring expression of just being yourself in a world where everyone is trying to keep you down, peppered with all sorts of tasty little guitar licks and with a pinch of electronica that you’ll definitely recognise if you’re familiar with lead singer Nils Molin’s other band Aramanthe.
Enough talk! It’s time to dedicate four minutes or so of your life to the steaming mug of life-bringing elixir we’ve set in front of you. Yes, we like our power metal like our coffee here – at all times of the day and night and applied directly to our ears. No wonder everyone says we have a drinking problem.
If you like what you hear, please consider purchasing via Bandcamp if the option is available as this is usually the best way to support the artist.
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