Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

22 Oct 2021

Disturbed - Stupify

appears on The Sickness (2000)

Heads up; this song may or may not have a decent whack of profanity in it.

Well, that’s depending on who you ask, anyway. In all the years I’ve known this song and heard it around others, no-one seems to sing the short word that either rhymes with “tuck” or “sock” at the end of each sentence in the verse the same. Hell, to this day, even with the advent of easily searchable lyrics on Google (other search engines are available) the issue hasn’t been cleared up – half of them have one version, another quarter have what I assume is some sort of radio-safe version and the rest are just somewhere in the middle. I’ll be honest, though, I’ve been singing the word/words pretty much interchangeably this whole time. Or occasionally filling them in with sounds like “brock” or “wok”.

To business, then. This week’s Rock Song of the Week is pummelled into our head-holes by Disturbed, the David Draiman-led quartet who have been a mainstay of my MP3 player since I was a spotty youth. Bar their global spotlight earning cover of Sound of Silence a few years back, the band haven’t exactly been known for experimenting much with the formula. Their year 2000 effort The Sickness definitely feels like a bit of a benchmark for their style, and honestly, it’s great; so why fix what ain’t broke?

So with no further rambling, here’s Stupify for your audio enjoyment. You know where the dial goes to, so get it turned!

Posted by Eddie "all the people in the left wing, CROCS" Hull

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