Rock Song of the Week

One awesome, hand picked song from the world of rock and metal, showcased every week.

We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!

17 Jun 2022

Boss Keloid - Tarku Shavel

appears on Melted On The Inch (2018)

“Oh no, Eddie’s gone all hippy-dippy – he’s going to be peddling hemp blankets and Volkswagen Beetles before we know it!”

I know, I know, Stoner rock might not be everyone’s cup of tea, I get it. But let’s take a step back from those frankly ridiculous stereotypes that I just made up, however, and have a good long listen to our pick for Rock Song of the Week instead!

Yes, they’re a prog-soaked pleasure, the boys of Boss Keloid; and they’re just dripping with all manner of sludge metal/stoner rock extras, which sounds disgusting now I’ve written it out, but I promise you it’s a treat. Based in the North-West of England (which would turn anyone to drugs, really), this slow burning four piece have a fairly recent history when it comes to music given they only formed in 2010, but everything they’ve put out so far has been nothing short of treacle for your ear holes.

They haven’t strayed far from their formula, but in this case that is far from a terrible thing; they’ve condensed what makes them work, what makes them tick and how to present it in a fairly short space of time and beyond that have only been improving. They’ve recently released an utterly fantastic record in Family the Smiling Thrush, which is a lot more of their brand of heavy, yet technically delicate rock but this week we’re turning back the clock just a few years to 2018, when they really burst onto the scene and started turning heads.

Melted On The Inch is quite the record from start to finish, but Tarku Shavel gets the nod for this week’s pick because I love it so much, and I get to write the articles so you gotta listen to what I say! Also, it’s a brilliant track, there’s definitely that too. So, find yourself a comfortable chair to sink into and crank this one over your headphones nice and loud, and don’t forget to check back through the rest of the articles and weekly goodness we’ve had on offer in the past, too. Until next week!

Posted by Eddie "higher and higher" Hull

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