We also do the occasional article now as well dont-ch-ya-know!
appears on For Blood and Empire (2006)
It’s that time of the week again! You know what that means – there’s a hot dose of some great music on the very near horizon if you haven’t listened to it already. And if you have, get back there and read the article too! Our writers work very hard, and we only have to whip them occasionally to get these out on time.
This time around, we’re dropping in to that directional anger therapy of punk rock and one of the American veterans of the scene, Anti-Flag. Formed in 1988 in Califor… oh, hang on, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, that’s rare for a punk band! Formed in 1988 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Anti-Flag have been extolling their rage against the bullshit in snappy, precision fashion and doing a damn fine job of it. The band have covered bases from environmentalism to encouraging young people to vote (and, of course, telling corrupt politicians to do one) and even now, with thirteen albums under their belt, they’re as sharp and as hard-hitting as ever with ever more of that bullshit to cut through.
So, without further waffling, we’ll leave you with “The Press Corpse” to shake off that sleepy Friday morning feeling and get the day going right. There’s nothing like pumping a little political punk to really get the blood flowing, is there? If your answer is “no”, this might be the track to change your mind on that.
If you like what you hear, please consider purchasing via Bandcamp if the option is available as this is usually the best way to support the artist.
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